Vidio User Terms & Conditions

(hereafter will be referred as “General Terms”)


Any and all of these terms and conditions, guideline, notification, information, regulation, policy and instruction related to the use of Service and/or access to Vidio’s Platform, as well as any addition and changes thereof, from time to time, made by Vidio, including but not limited to third party’s regulation related to the payment method as relevant, hereinafter collectively referred to as “General Terms”.

This General TermsTerms of Vidio PremierPrivacy Policy, and other terms and conditions regulating Service altogether shall be referred as “Terms and Conditions”, as well as an inseparable part between one and another and is considered as an integral part.


User are not allowed, in any way, to use, access or attempt to use/access illegally or without authorization by Vidio of the Vidio Platform and/or this Service and/or other protected information. Violation of this provision is a violation based on the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Indonesia.

If the User does not agree with these General Terms, User can stop accessing and/or using the Vidio Platform every time, although Vidio will surely miss your presence.

  1. Definition

In this General Terms, as long as not otherwise specified, the terms below have the following meanings:

You or User means the party (whether registered or unregistered) who access the Vidio Platform, including but not limited to Content Partners, offline users (as relevant), or any other party who must comply with the General Terms and other provisions including but not limited to the Privacy Policy.

We or Vidio means PT Vidio Dot Com, a limited liability company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its address at SCTV Tower 14th Floor, Senayan City, Jl. Asia Afrika lot 19, Central Jakarta 10270, Indonesia, which legally owns and operates the Vidio Platform.

Emtek Group means PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi, Tbk. including its subsidiaries, of which Vidio is an affiliate.

Intellectual Property Right means trademarks, service marks, trade and business names, rights in designs, patents, copyrights, moral rights and rights in craftsmanship and other intellectual property rights in each case whether registered or unregistered and including the grant of such rights. above and all rights or forms of protection having an effect equal or similar to the above.

Advertisement means the promotion of products, brands or services of Vidio or other third parties in any form on the Vidio Platform to Users to attract interest, involvement and sales of certain things.

Content means any digital content, whether in the form of text, graphics, photos, videos, films, series, television streaming, sound, music, audio-visual combinations, or other materials uploaded or displayed on the Vidio Platform as part of the Service which has been curated by Vidio (non-user generated content).

Service means the exhibition of Content via the internet, on subscription and free (advertisement-based) basis, whether on live streaming or video-on-demand (VOD) on the website, m-sites, mobile applications, or in any other form where Platform can be accessed by the User, including other distribution channels that are owned or collaborated with Vidio, including other services provided by Vidio on the Platform.

Content Partner are individuals, companies and authorized Users who have an online channel (channel) or a special account that has been verified and registered on the Vidio Platform, which has an account name and can be operated by them directly or an authorized third party.

Platform or Vidio Platform is a Service provider through the website and/or the Vidio over-the-top application which can be accessed by Users through, including but not limited to, computers, mobile devices, tablet devices, internet-connected televisions, and mobile devices. -other devices and an interactive platform that shares videos operated and owned by Vidio.

Vidio Premier is a paid streaming service that contains exclusive content such as original series, Korean dramas, Thai dramas as well as national andinternational sports content.

Region means the area where Content Services can be enjoyed by Users as determined solely by Vidio. 

  1. Service

To enjoy the Service, You shall have internet access, data package (as relevant), and supporting devices.

  1. Content

  2. In providing Service, Vidio enters into cooperation with the Content Partners, production houses, creators, owners and the valid license holders of the Content. Vidio also produces in-house or holds the exclusive right to certain Content, known as “Vidio Originals".    

  3. Vidio’s Content or Services can be accessed: (a) free of charge by Advertisement (advertising-based video on demand - AVOD); or (b) through Vidio Premier subscription package according to the chosen subscription package, subject to  the provisions in the Terms of Vidio Premier (subscription-based video on demand - SVOD); or (c) pay-per-view payment model with or without Advertisement, or (d) Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD); or (e) combination of any matters mentioned previously, or (f) other models defined later.

  4. Content uploaded by Content Partner in the Platform is within the sole responsibility of the Content Partner, even though Vidio has curated and conducted reviews from time-to-time. Vidio reserves the right to review Content displayed and determine whether there is or no illegal or violates any of Vidio’s policy. In the case of such violation discovered, Vidio has the absolute rights to delete and refuse to further provide theContent.

  5. User have the right to access and enjoy Service within the Territory, or outside the Territory as determined by Vidio on its sole discretion. Vidio reserves the right to geoblock on any parts of the Service in order for the Service to be transmitted or enjoyed by You only within the Territory.

  6. Vidio will, at all times, try to innovate and improve the Service. As such, Vidio has the right, on its sole discretion, to add or remove any features, Content, or Service. Vidio also reserves the right to suspend or terminate partial or entirety of the Service to all or each User.

  1. Permission

  1. Subject always to the General Terms, as long as You use the Service under the Platform, You are granted an unlimited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sub-licensable, revocable permission to enjoy the Services on the Vidio Platform and enjoy Content only for personal and non-commercial purposes.

  1. The use of the Service shall entirely be Your responsibility and can only be used by You. If You allow another Party to use or access the Service and/or Content by using Your information, You hereby release from any form of responsibility due to any unauthorized or unlawful use of the information or disclosure of Your identity, including the consequences arising from such use and/or disclosure. The risk is entirely within Your responsibility.   

  1. Towards every Content and Services, We do not allow embed use by other platforms or media, whether a website, application or any other ways possible without prior written permission from Vidio.  

  1. Prohibitions

  1. User not allowed to, in whatsoever way and form, to use Vidio Platform, Services and/or Content for the following purposes:

  • pirate, reproduce, copy, duplicate, distribute, sell, transmit, commercially exploit or re-stream the Content or create any derivative works or materials taken from or based on the Content without permission (illegal means);  

  • accessing the Platform, Services or Content for commercial purposes, including but not limited to sharing or reselling your account and/or password for your Vidio account to other parties;

  • reverse engineering, retrieve data (data mining), or access software of Vidio or do any programs that may harm or inhibit the operation and/or performance of Vidio’s Platform;     

  • access Platform, Services or Content via any manual or automatic facilities, including “robots”, “spiders”, or “offline readers” for any objectives that may harm Vidio;   

  • upload anything containing the software virus, worm, trojan horses or other malicious computer code, document/file, script, agent or programs;      

  • post, upload, send or link the content related to pornography, religion, racism, sarcasm, insult, misleading, defamation, hateful, discriminatory, harassing, harming other parties, or other immoral acts;       

  • exploit or harm the minors; 

  • carry out unlawful acts, that damage or could damage and harm Vidio's reputation; and     

  • take any actions other than those permitted in the General Terms, illegal act, damage or able to damage the reputation as well as harm Vidio.      

  1. Vidio has the right to investigate, take any quick response, and/or take any legal action against any indication or proven violation mentioned under above, as long as it is legally possible, including but not limited to stopping, canceling, suspending the use of Vidio’s services used by You (as well as your Account), and taking legal action in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, both in civil and criminal courts. Vidio has the access to monitor Your access or use of the Platform to ensure your compliance to this General Terms, or to comply with any prevailing regulations or order coming from court, administrative body or any other authorized organization.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Vidio (and its licensors or Content Partner, as relevant) shall have, whether exclusively or non-exclusively, all rights or licenses, ownership and interests in and to the Service, Content and all Intellectual Property Rights contained therein.

  2. There is no right, ownership, or interest on Platform or Services or any Content that will be considered or construed to be transferred to the User, whether impliedly or expressly, except for the permit expressly provided in these General Terms.

  3. Any attempt or actual violation of this provision will result in termination of all your rights under this General Terms, Vidio also has the right to take any action to the extent permitted by law to protect the interests of Vidio and its licensors, including but not limited to stopping the use of Your Account and/or providing Services, police reports, subpoenas and claims/lawsuits in court.

  1. Useof Service

  1. Your use of the Vidio Platform and its Services is subject to Your compliance with these General Terms, Terms of Vidio Premier, Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations.

  2. The use of Vidio Services is limited to authorized User who are of legal age and who have the legal capacity to enter/make agreements/agreements and perform engagements based on applicable laws and regulations ("User’s Requirement"). If you do not meet the User’s Requirement, You must obtain the consent of your parent or guardian, and may only use the Service under the supervision of your parent or guardian. Any acceptance or approval by parents/guardians of this General Terms represents their agreement to take responsibility for (i) your actions this ;  (ii) fees associated with the use of each Service; and (iii) your acceptance and compliance with these General Terms.  If you do not have permission from a parent or guardian, you must stop using and accessing the Vidio Platform and stop using this Service.

  3. When you access the Service, We shall be entitled to ask for, collect and process your personal information, such as but not limited to Your name, e-mail address (e-mail), and Your cellular phone number when You register. You shall provide the accurate and complete information, update the information and agree to provide us with any evidence of identity that we may reasonably request. If there is change of personal information you provide to us, you may update by sending us Your updaterequest. We will, to the best of our capability, enforce the requested changes within 3 x 24 hour as of the receipt of the notification on change.

  4. By using the Services on Vidio’s Platform, You represent and warrant the truth of all your personal information and registration data that you provide to Vidio are true, complete and accurate in every matter. If in the future there are changes of your data and information, then you agree to immediately update your registration data on Vidio’s Platform. If Your account is hacked or You lose Your phone, then you shall inform us about such matter thereby We may immediately deactivate your account in order that it is not misused by the other parties. Kindly aware  that you are responsible for the use of your account and can be asked for accountability if the account is misused by the other parties.

  1. Vidio Premier, other Services & Payment Method

  1. You may enjoy the part or all of the Content available on Vidio’s Platform by subscribing the Vidio Premier subscription package or registering for other Services available, to this end, you should make payment for Vidio Premier subscription package or payment for other Services available, as well as you may be asked to pay the subscription fee or other Service through the payment method as available from time to time (“Payment Method”).

  2. You agree that the Payment Method may involve the third parties beyond Vidio and in case you use one of Payment Methods, You agree to also be bound by and shall comply with all terms and conditions required by the third party (as relevant).

  3. In implementingthe Payment Method, the third party may request for information required for the payment including but not limited to the details of credit card, account number and other information that may be relevant (“Payment Information”). You shall be responsible for the accuracy and genuineness of the Payment Information that You provided. You represent and warrant that You have the right to the Payment Information you submit. You agree and acknowledge that Vidio will not be obliged and have no responsibilities at all for any losses, whether directly, indirectly, incidentally or consequentially, including without limitation to any losses due to the delay in processing of payment instructions or credit card fraud including chargeback imposed upon by the credit card.

  4. You agree that if you subscribe to a Vidio Premier subscription package with the Payment Method using a credit card, then Your subscription package will be renewed automatically, unless there is a subscription cancellation by You. 

  5. The Vidio Premier subscription fee is subject to all applicable taxes including Value Added Tax (VAT).

  6. Matters related to claims, replacements and cancellations of package purchases will always be subject to the Terms of Vidio Premier.

  7. You may change the Payment Method when your subscription package expires, further, you may check the subscription status of your Vidio Premier package at any via “My Subscription” page at

  1. Advertisement, Promotions and Games

  1. You know and understand that the Services in Vidio Platform can be monetized or installed with ads (Advertisement) by Vidio, but Vidio does not guarantee the truth or quality of the product or goods advertised. You agree and acknowledge that Vidio does not support or sponsor any third party’s site, content, advertisement or other materials on such third party’s sites.

  2. You understand and agree that Vidio, at its own discretion, may use your information and data especially for marketing, promotion or monetization activities, whether conducted by Vidio directly or by third parties affiliated to Vidio or not. 

  3. Vidio may notify the additional terms and conditions, from time to time, in relation to: (a) your participation in any contest, game, or other promotion on Vidio’s Platform and/or its affiliates and/or any third party’s partners entering into cooperation with Vidio, always comply with the “Terms of Vidio Games" or “Vidio Arcade Terms” and/or, (b) the joint viewing of the Content as long as permitted by Vidio (jointly referred to as, “Additional Terms and Conditions"). If these Additional Terms and Conditions contradict these General Terms, the provisions contained in the Additional Terms and Conditions will govern and prevail as far as they govern the differences.

  4. For avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Service, Vidio Platform, or these General Terms can be interpreted or considered that it is sponsored by Apple, Google, Android or other entities not affiliated to Vidio, unless expressly stated in relevant Additional Terms and Conditions.

  1. Third Party’s Cookies

  1. Throughout your journey on Vidio, you may see some cookies that are not related to Vidio. Third party cookies are cookies set by domains other than the Vidio Platform. If you visit the Vidio Platform and other entities set cookies through the Vidio Platform, these are referred to as "third party cookies".

  2. To support the Vidio Service, these third-party cookies can track your use of the Vidio site. Third party companies such as analytics companies and ad-based networks that use cookies to collect user information anonymously. Cookies can be used to create a profile of your activities on the Vidio Service and other websites that you have visited. Vidio does not control the distribution of these cookies and you should check the relevant third-party websites for further information. If you continue without changing your settings, Vidio will assume that you can accept and allow all cookies generated by Vidio. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.

  3. You are free to adjust your browser/devices settings to block the use of third party cookies. This may impact the functionality of the Platform or parts thereof.

  1. Cookies Policy

  1. Cookies are usually small text files, tagged with an ID which are stored in your computer's browser directory or a program data subfolder. Cookies are created when you use your browser to visit websites that use cookies to track your movement within the site, help you pick up where you left off, remember your registered login data, choose themes, preferences, and other customizing functions. Websites store related files (with the same ID tags) that they set in your browser and in these files they can track and store information about your movements within the site and any information that you may voluntarily provide when visiting the website, like an e-mail address.

  2. This information is used to track the visitor usage to the site and to compile the statistical report on site activity. For further information on cookies, visit or

  3. Cookies can also be used to collect the aggregate information on Vidio’s Service most frequently visited. The traffic information can also be used to improve the content site and make it easier to utilize your Vidio’s Service.

  4. The information We obtain through the use of cookies can be combined with other personal data information relating to Users in certain circumstances, where Users voluntarily provide personal data information or when registering/subscribing to Vidio Services and Users agree to this.

  5. If you wish to reject Vidio’s cookies, you can configure your browser/device to do so. However, if you do not enable cookies, you may not be able to access important functions or features of the Platform, and you may only use the Platform in a limited way.

  1. Warranty and Representation

  1. Vidio provides Services by using the good level of service and maintenance, with the hope that you are able to enjoy the Services comfortably.


  3. The User acknowledges that any information and any material provided by or through Vidio’s Platform and the Services therein may contain inaccuracies or errors and Vidio expressly excludes the responsibility for such inaccuracies or errors as far as permitted by the prevailing law. Any links found on Vidio’s Platform are provided for the Users’ convenience to provide further information. It does not indicate that Vidio supports or sponsors the content and Vidio shall not be responsible for the content of any external links.

  1.  Indemnification and Limitation of Liability

  1. User hereby agree to release, defend, indemnify and will not harm Vidio and the Emtek Group including officials and employees from responsibilities, claims, demands, losses and damages (actual and consequential) of all kinds and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unforeseen, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected therewith. Such release will not apply if actual claims, demands or damages arise due to fraud, negligence, or intentional and direct errors by Vidio.

  2. Any losses without exception resulting from actions taken by the User that are not related to the Vidio application, are entirely the User's responsibility, and the User releases the responsibility of Vidio, its officers and employees as well as any affiliated companies from any such loss and/or risk.

  3. To the extent permitted by law, and notwithstanding other provisions of these General Terms, the total liability of Vidio and its affiliates, to Users and anyone claiming, for any and all claims, will not exceed IDR 100,000 (one hundred thousand Rupiah)

  1.  Usage Violation and Termination of the Services

  1. Vidio has the right unilaterally and immediately to terminate, suspend, reduce or limit the Services provided by Vidio to You at any time, without notification or liability to You, if You are indicated or proven to have violated this General Terms and/or any other Terms and Conditions, violate any applicable laws or regulations relating to the Services.

  2. Userhereby declare that You waive all of his rights and will not make a claim or request any compensation from Vidio for such termination, suspension, reduction or restriction.

  3. In the event of termination for any reason, the Parties agree to waive the provisions referred to in Article 1266 of the Civil Code, to the extent that it requires a court decision to terminate an agreement.

  4. If You are indicated or proven to have violated any or all provisions under this General Terms and/or any other Terms and Conditions, violate any applicable laws or regulations relating to the Services, then Vidio reserves the right to terminate and suspend Your account and You will no longer able to use the same email and/or phone number to register yourself again for Vidio Service and Platform by anyway whatsoever (e.g., repurchasing another Vidio Premier subscription package, claiming for reactivation through our Customer Care, etc.). 

  1.  Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

All matters stated in the General Terms, Privacy Policy, and other provisions that refer to this General Terms are subject to the laws in force in the Republic of Indonesia. 

Any disputes, disputes or differences of understanding between the parties arising from or in connection with or relating to the implementation of this General Terms, will be resolved by deliberation to reach consensus. If disputes, disputes or differences of opinion between the parties cannot be resolved by deliberation, the parties hereby agree to resolve them through the courts and the parties hereby agree to choose a common and permanent legal domicile at the Registrar's Office of the Central Jakarta District Court.

  1.  General Provision

  1. Taxes and Fee. Each party shall be responsible for all tax obligations and other costs arising in relation to the implementation of this General Terms.

  2. Language. This General Terms (and all Terms and Conditions) may be made in Indonesian and English, in case of difference between the Indonesian and English, the Indonesian will govern and all differences in English version will be deemed to be automatically amended and adapted to the Indonesian version.

  3. Enforceability. All provisions on compensation, warranty, accountability, and limitations, and confidentiality and/or protection of Intellectual Property Right will remain effective after the termination of Service by the User.

  4. Non-Waiver. Any tolerance from Vidio for the breach committed by the Users against this User Regulation, will not be interpreted as approval for further breach, nor will be interpreted that Vidio has released its right to prosecute the breach, this tolerance however will not be interpreted as no longer valid or becomes ineffective or its implementation is suspended.

  5. Amendment. If in the future there are one or more provisions in this General Terms that will be amended, added or deleted, the User will be notified of these changes.

  6. Non-agency. Except as expressly stated herein, this General Terms is not intended to create and will not be construed to create the relationship or partnership, joint venture or association for the benefit of the User and Vidio or Vidio and other third parties.

  7. Force Majeure. The parties shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations hereunder arising from any cause beyond their control including acts of God, acts of civil or military authorities, fires, strikes, lockouts or labor disputes, epidemics, government restrictions , war riots or other civil disturbances, pandemics, epidemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, and floods and in the event of such failure or delay, the time for performance of its obligations shall be extended for a period equal, at least, to the time lost by reason of delay.